Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Roommate Gifts

I posted recently that I was working on swaps and roommate gifts for Convention. Well, I didn't want to post pictures too soon and ruin the surprise for the girls. When they arrived last night, each was greeted with this basket (contents were proudly displayed inside the basket). I started with a plastic basket to keep our bathroom things organized and added several small gift items including: a convention bag tag, a cell phone tag, a water bottle tag, a mesh body sponge, Mary Kay hand lotion, a pandora style bracelet, big shot daisy flowers for our flip flops, and assorted candy. They loved the gifts!!!

We are going down to breakfast now and then heading to Riverton (the corporate office) for a tour and photo opportunities.

Today is a really busy day! We start with the tour, baggage pickup, momento mall, looking at boards and boards of samples, informational classes this afternoon, a flower power party, and finally a stamp camp that ends at 10:00.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! I'm checking your blog every day to see what fun things you're doing @ convention. I'm planning on making it next year so hopefully I'll meet up with you sometime. How's business going for you these days?
